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Legacy behaviors

Most flags exist to configure runtime behaviors with multiple valid choices. The right choice may vary based on the environment, user preference, or the specific invocation.

Another category of flags provides existing projects with a migration window for runtime behaviors that are changing in newer releases of dbt. These flags help us achieve a balance between these goals, which can otherwise be in tension, by:

  • Providing a better, more sensible, and more consistent default behavior for new users/projects.
  • Providing a migration window for existing users/projects  nothing changes overnight without warning.
  • Providing maintainability of dbt software. Every fork in behavior requires additional testing & cognitive overhead that slows future development. These flags exist to facilitate migration from "current" to "better," not to stick around forever.

These flags go through three phases of development:

  1. Introduction (disabled by default): dbt adds logic to support both 'old' + 'new' behaviors. The 'new' behavior is gated behind a flag, disabled by default, preserving the old behavior.
  2. Maturity (enabled by default): The default value of the flag is switched, from false to true, enabling the new behavior by default. Users can preserve the 'old' behavior and opt out of the 'new' behavior by setting the flag to false in their projects. They may see deprecation warnings when they do so.
  3. Removal (generally enabled): After marking the flag for deprecation, we remove it along with the 'old' behavior it supported from the dbt codebases. We aim to support most flags indefinitely, but we're not committed to supporting them forever. If we choose to remove a flag, we'll offer significant advance notice.

Behavior change flags

These flags must be set in the flags dictionary in dbt_project.yml. They configure behaviors closely tied to project code, which means they should be defined in version control and modified through pull or merge requests, with the same testing and peer review.

The following example displays the current flags and their current default values in the latest dbt Cloud and dbt Core versions. To opt out of a specific behavior change, set the values of the flag to False in dbt_project.yml. You'll continue to see warnings for legacy behaviors that you have opted out of explicitly until you either resolve them (switch the flag to True) or choose to silence the warnings using the warn_error_options.silence flag.

require_explicit_package_overrides_for_builtin_materializations: False
require_model_names_without_spaces: False
source_freshness_run_project_hooks: False

When we use dbt Cloud in the following table, we're referring to accounts that have gone versionless by opting to "Keep on latest version."

Flagdbt Cloud: Introdbt Cloud: Maturitydbt Core: Introdbt Core: Maturity

Package override for built-in materialization

Setting the require_explicit_package_overrides_for_builtin_materializations flag to True prevents this automatic override.

We have deprecated the behavior where installed packages could override built-in materializations without your explicit opt-in. When this flag is set to True, a materialization defined in a package that matches the name of a built-in materialization will no longer be included in the search and resolution order. Unlike macros, materializations don't use the search_order defined in the project dispatch config.

The built-in materializations are 'view', 'table', 'incremental', 'materialized_view' for models as well as 'test', 'unit', 'snapshot', 'seed', and 'clone'.

You can still explicitly override built-in materializations, in favor of a materialization defined in a package, by reimplementing the built-in materialization in your root project and wrapping the package implementation.

{% materialization view, snowflake %}
{{ return(my_installed_package_name.materialization_view_snowflake()) }}
{% endmaterialization %}

In the future, we may extend the project-level dispatch configuration to support a list of authorized packages for overriding built-in materialization.

No spaces in resource names

The require_resource_names_without_spaces flag enforces using resource names without spaces.

The names of dbt resources (models, sources, etc) should contain letters, numbers, and underscores. We highly discourage the use of other characters, especially spaces. To that end, we have deprecated support for spaces in resource names. When the require_resource_names_without_spaces flag is set to True, dbt will raise an exception (instead of a deprecation warning) if it detects a space in a resource name.

models/model name with spaces.sql
-- This model file should be renamed to model_name_with_underscores.sql

Project hooks with source freshness

Set the source_freshness_run_project_hooks flag to True to include "project hooks" (on-run-start / on-run-end) in the dbt source freshness command execution.

If you have specific project on-run-start / on-run-end hooks that should not run before/after source freshness command, you can add a conditional check to those hooks:

- '{{ ... if flags.WHICH != 'freshness' }}'